Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Sector 9 Longboard Superfish Longboard

The sector 9 superfish longboard is great for just cruising around town, but can be customized to do just about anything you want. In other words the superfish is all around great board for beginners, or those jack-of-all trades. the superfish also has wheel cutouts to make sure your wheels aren’t kissing up against your board. I recommend the superfish to any beginner.

This sector 9 longboard comes with those cruddy old san clemente trucks and wheels but I recommend getting sidewinder trucks for this board. I don’t much recommend it for downhill anyways but it CAN be used for it and if you do decide to do it i would recommend the chargers or bombers. Also if you decide to get some bangin’ new bearings I recommend reds or sector 9 ceramics.

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